Photojournalism is a form of journalism that informs or relays news through the use of pictures and videos. Just like the traditional journalism, the images and videos should be timely, objective and narrative. These elements distinguish photojournalism different from plain photography. The photojournalist only needs a camera, film and batteries to broadcast or publish their works.
Photojournalism also has a rich history that started from the engraving era.
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In the book “Journalism for Filipinos” Alito Malinao gave five essential qualities of a photo ready for publication:
1. Prominence. Just like in a story itself, pictures of prominent personalities attract the interest of readers.
2. Action. In pictures, as in stories, readers are attracted by action, “Action speaks louder than words,” so goes a trite adage. If a photographer asks his subject to line up against a wall for picture taking, his “firing squad” photo may just end up in editor’s trash can. But if he submits a photo that “moves” he may be awarded with a byline on page 1.
3. Human Interest. These pictures show emotions that the readers can relate to.
4. Drama. This is a form of Human Interest. Pictures of fires, accidents or victims of an earthquake or typhoon belong to this category.
Timeliness. As in news stories. Timeliness or immediacy enhances the value of picture.
As everything in our environment evolves, so as photojournalism. The birth of the digital age greatly affected, if not changed the whole process of photojournalism. Years ago, it took a photojournalist long hours in developing, scanning and sending a colored picture. Now, through their digital cameras, mobile phones and laptop, they can send pictures ready for publication in a matter of minutes.
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Because of its convenience and practicality, digital photojournalism or online photojournalism became very much in demand to the viewing public.
In an article posted in the website of the Online Journalism Review, entitled Photojournalism Gets Boost Online , the advantages and disadvantages of online photojournalism has been defined and also this site gave their views about the participatory journalism. How it affect the whole process of news gathering and distribution.